We deliver mission-driven impact three ways


Develop active global citizens to take action


Globalize schools and institutions with tools and programs


Expand access to intercultural education with scholarships and outreach

Our Global Presence

Explore new AFS programs to globalize your institution

AFS has launched a new suite of programs for universities, businesses and organizations across industries to ‘Global Up’ and develop essential skills, like collaboration, problem-solving, and cross-cultural communication, needed for personal, academic and professional development.

Connect with us to get a demonstration of the research-based, customizable and scalable AFS Global Competence Certificate (GCC) programs.
Find out more

Connect with our global community—1 million strong

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    AFS and UPenn Partner to Empower Young People to Change the World

    Young people all over the world are calling for change – but do they have the skills they need to create the change they want to see? Last month, AFS…
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    Empowering Latin American Teachers to Deliver Global Education

    Educators and schools have long been demanding effective intercultural learning programs and tools that will support them in building global competence in their students. To address these growing demands, the…
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    Celebrating Volunteers at the AFS Global Meetup

    This International Volunteer Day (December 5, 2020), more than 200 AFS volunteers from around the world gathered for a global meetup—to connect with each other, exchange experiences and celebrate those…
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    New Study Abroad Scholarships for Greek High Schoolers

    High schoolers from Greece can now apply to study abroad in one of 18 destinations across Europe, Asia, North America, and South America through AFS Intercultural Programs. Eight full scholarships…
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    Young Global Citizen from Bangladesh Wins 2020 AFS Prize

    Shah Chowdhury from Bangladesh with the Project Trishna won the annual AFS Prize for Young Global Citizens for empowering communities through safe water access and ensuring safe water as a basic…
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    PISA shows Teacher Attitudes, Activities In- and Outside Classrooms Impact Student Global-mindedness

    In upending education systems worldwide, the COVID-19 pandemic shines a stark light on how necessary it is for young people to be able to navigate interconnected, interdependent realities. The newest…

AFS NOW: Insights for Active Global Citizens

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“Broadening the perspectives of our next generation of leaders and empowering them to communicate, negotiate and collaborate across differences is mission critical if we want to combat the rising tide of intolerance we see everywhere.”

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